
Biuro Wystaw Artystycznych [Bureau of Art Exhibitions], Wrocław,
March 1974

The performance took place during the opening of the exhibition Fakty 74 [Facts of 74], which was visited by, among others: Natalia LL, Andrzej Lachowicz, Jezy Rosołowicz and Kajetan Sosnowski. The direct impulse for it were: the upcoming football world championship in Munich, and the propaganda of power and success surrounding the event in Poland.
The artist, wearing an original outfit of the Śląsk-Wrocław team, poured some water on himself and rolled around in mud before entering. “Having fixed himself” like that, he ran among the guests and artists, kicking a ball and destroying a sculpture by Kajetan Sosnowski. Then he fell, faking an injury, and trying in this way to divert attention from the unfortunate occurrence.